Pinned行為面試準備大全!錄取 Amazon 的面試心法大公開|內附常見問題與 Sample Answers在準備 SWE/ SDE 等技術導向的面試時,很多人預設有好好刷題到 Coding interview 游刃有餘的地步就能拿到心儀的正職/實習,而忽略 BQ 的準備,這個作法絕對大錯特錯。尤其美國公司很在乎你是否 Culture fit,BQ 的答案是否適配就格外重要了Jul 27, 20241Jul 27, 20241
Pinned簡歷想被大廠撈?23 Fall 求職履歷撰寫技巧分享 | 轉碼、轉專業、SWE、SDE本文以幫助轉碼選手的履歷能在一片大海中被夢幻公司撈起為目標,如有幫助請不吝按下鼓勵!!! 這樣才能讓更多人也看到呦Mar 12, 20245Mar 12, 20245
Pinned從零開始刷 LeetCode! 文組轉碼的手把手刷題指南+Coding Interview 準備方法 | SWE, SDE, 大廠實習除了 Blind 75 提供的題目,我建議還要按照 NeetCode 150 的 roadmap 提供的題目練習。這些題目都是大廠高頻題,並且全部都有 video solution,很新手友善。 建議大家來美國開學前,就要把上面兩件事做好。如果你算了一下時間不夠準備,請馬上辭職Apr 17, 20243Apr 17, 20243
Pinned求職北美不迷路:掌握最新職缺的必備指南分享我怎麼在資訊爆炸的日子裡,鎖定重要職缺,搶得先機快速投出履歷。本篇文章將介紹如何利用網路上的免費資源尋找工作機會,祝大家找工順利。Jun 11, 2024Jun 11, 2024
Do’s and Don’ts During Your Tech InternshipHowever, navigating the workplace as an intern, especially in the U.S. tech industry, can be tricky. Here are some essential do’s and…Feb 131Feb 131
How to Keep Your Energy High: 5 Powerful Habits That WorkFeeling drained and unmotivated is something we all experience at some point. But here’s the truth: Energy isn’t something you find, ….Jan 6Jan 6
Penn MCIT 24Fall 修課與生活心得 | 轉碼、美國留學、賓大、常春藤從 AWS 實習回來,拿了 return offer,到 12/4 考完期末考,真是時光飛逝!Dec 11, 2024Dec 11, 2024
How to Plan Your Time and Stay Highly EfficientAs an INTJ who loves to plan, I want to share the key methods that have helped me: backward reasoning and quantification.Nov 10, 2024Nov 10, 2024